Taking care of yourself to be more productive in work and life

Published in
2 min readJul 6, 2023


When you’re physically and mentally strong and healthy, you can move through simple tasks with more ease. When you’re challenged with health issues, your body is asking you to pay more attention to yourself. If you can’t take care of yourself, it’s challenging to be productive at work.

Taking time off work can seem like a challenge because you may think that you may lose your job or be passed up for promotions. Or there may be a stigma associated with not being able to deal with stress and burnout.

I spoke to someone yesterday who reminded me of the importance of health. He doesn’t have to work as he retired at 40 with income to support him in his personal interests of health and saving the environment. He reminded me that there is no money that can pay for poor health and so he’s been actively passionate about solving some of the world’s greatest challenges such as climate change and the impact on health and wellness.

With all the challenges going on, this was a good reminder to keep investing in health and wellness. I’ve been passionate about health and wellness for personal reasons, as some of you may be aware. I truly believe that this is an area where I can continue to create impact and change.

There are so many layers that go into health and wellness. Sometimes you have to try things that don’t work and that takes time, energy, and money. Sometimes you have to go to appointments that are not convenient. Sometimes you can’t do your day-to-day work because of health challenges. Sometimes you have to get out of your own way to try new things and explore other options. Sometimes you have to remind yourself that by investing in your health, you can have a better quality of life where you can do your job better. Sometimes you just have to ‘mind your mind’ and learn how to recondition your patterns and habits.

#healthandwellness #work #humpdaymotivation #reminders #mindset

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Brand Marketer | Storyteller | Connector. Passionate about #health, #wellness, #womenintech. Opinions are my own.