The Inner Work Is A Practice Of Intention

Published in
2 min readJul 6, 2023


Photo credit — Carolyn Lowe (me)
  1. How can you just let go of the things that don’t serve you in your job/career? How can you let go some more?
  2. How can you meet people where they are without wanting a specific change/result/outcome? How can you shift your mindset/energy so that you are responding and not reacting?
  3. How can you surrender to the things that you can’t change?
  4. What does ‘being good enough’ mean to you?

Consider how you can bring more joy into what you’re doing, instead of doing something in order to get a specific result.

How can you bring the mindset of joy and ease into your job?

When you’re doing a task at work because you ‘have to,’ there is a different energy that you bring compared to when you’re doing a task because you enjoy doing it. Reflect on the tasks in your day that bring you excitement and joy.

Consider your intention of doing tasks with joy — is this a different feeling compared to doing tasks because you have to in order to pay the bills?

How can you shift your internal expectations — ie. ‘what you’re getting out of your job’ to ‘you are growing and learning to become a better version of yourself because of your job?’

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Brand Marketer | Storyteller | Connector. Passionate about #health, #wellness, #womenintech. Opinions are my own.